Outsource Neurology Billing Services

Accurate Billing, Faster Reimbursement

Arm Fox has years of experience in providing end-to-end medical billing services to neurology practice in the US and world over. We work closely with your staff to understand the ins and outs of your neurology practice and offer customized neurology medical billing solutions that meets your needs.

We guarantee effective solutions because our team, consisting of 500+ certified (AAPC and/or AHIMA) and experienced neurology billers, can seamlessly spot billing weaknesses and incorporate necessary changes to improve performance. What you get in the end is a tightly knit neurology medical billing process that can push up reimbursements in compliance with regulations.

We Provide a Range of Neurology Billing Services

Our neurology billing outsourcing services encompasses:

  • Insurance verification
  • Coding for neurology services and neurology procedures
  • Expert analysis of your billing practices, including fee analysis, to identify problem areas and streamline operations
  • A detailed evaluation of your business and accounts receivables
  • Denial management
  • Coding audits which includes CPT coding and reimbursement analysis
  • Electronic claims submission on the same day
  • Full account receivables management and reporting

Insurance Verification

We have the resources and expertise to perform pre-insurance verifications 48 hours prior the patient sets foot at the provider’s location. Insurance eligibility checks, pre-authorization or referral checks, and co-payment calculations are carried out as part of this process.

Medical Coding

Our team of AAPC certified codes are well versed in providing 99.99% accurate HCPCS, ICD-9 and ICD-10 medical coding for neurology practices.

Accounts Receivable Management and Follow-up

We rigorously pursue every unpaid insurance claim that crosses 30 days bucket and ensure that they are collected within appropriate time. We also make sure that every underpaid claim is processed and paid appropriately by the insurance payer.

Denial Management

We track every claim that is denied and present it in a manner which facilitates quick identification of root cause of the issues. Once we understand this, we will implement quick fixes which dramatically increases the first-time claim acceptance rate.

Coding Audits

Our medical coding audits help neurology practices to implement best practices and ultimately strengthens their billing and coding operations.

Exhaustive Scope of Neurology Medical Billing Services

Our neurology billers can easily address medical billing issues across the entire scope of neurology, including:

  • Behavioral
  • Vascular
  • Interventional
  • Chemodenervation
  • Nerve blocks
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Neuromuscular
  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Pain management
  • Clinical neurophysiology

Consequently, this helps us to handle billing requirements of various neurological procedures such as treatment for dementia, lumbar punctures, movement disorders, headaches, epilepsy, sleep disorders, chronic pain management, multiple sclerosis, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia; along with psychiatric manifestations associated with Parkinson's disease, and mood and cognitive dysfunctions associated with Alzheimer's disease or Huntington disease.

Our Software Expertise

Our outsourced neurology medical billing services can be seamlessly integrated with following medical billing software:

  • Kareo
  • Advanced MD
  • Healthfusion
  • Nextgen
  • Athena
  • Eclinical Works (ECW)
  • GE Centricity
  • Imagine
  • WLT
  • Avant MD
  • AllScript
  • ZB
  • BrightTree

Why Outsource Neurology Billing Services to Arm Fox?

Here are some of the benefits that you’ll gain when you outsource neurology medical billing services to a neurology billing company like Arm Fox:


Our highly qualified neurology billing team use their experience and expertise to seamlessly navigate through the intricacies involved in neurology billing and help you receive maximum return on your claims.


We leverage our global delivery centers spread across 8 geographies to provide round-the-clock coverage.


As a leading neurology medical billing company, we have implemented stringent security measures and protocols, which ensures that your data and processes are 100% secure at all time.

Other benefits of outsourcing neurology billing services to Arm Fox:

  • 97% claims paid on first submission
  • 25% increase in collections in the first few months
  • Sharp reduction in denials (Minimal financial disruption due to ICD-10)
  • Significant reductions in A/R days
  • Multi-speciality expertise
  • Personalized service
  • Transparent procedures and charges
  • 30% to 40% savings

When you outsource neurology billing services to Arm Fox, you’ll partner with a neurology medical billing outsourcing company that is extremely skilled in combining experience, expertise and technology to seamlessly navigate through the nuances of neurology billing and deliver top notch medical billing support to neurology practices.